Total Hip Replacement Rehabilitation

Total hip replacement or total hip arthroplasty (THA) is commonly performed for the purpose of pain reduction and improved function in a severely arthritic hip joint, or in the unfortunate event of a fall that fractures the hip in a particular location. There are other reasons you may require this surgery, but these are the most common.  Following this procedure, you will have precautions to observe to avoid dislocation of your “new hip”. These should be covered by the surgeon, or his / her staff, and vary depending on the particular approach, but we will assist in helping you understand and observe them.

The primary objective following this procedure is to control your pain and restore your range of motion (ROM).  As your ROM improves and the soft tissue heals, exercises are added to improve your ability to walk and function similar to how you lived prior to surgery and the onset of pain. This is typically a seamless process whereby one is involved in activities to accomplish all these objectives simultaneously.

The ultimate goal of outpatient physical therapy following total joint replacement is to return you to close to your prior level of function. Any information you can provide at the initial evaluation, and subsequent visits, as to what your activity is like after surgery, and what it needs to be for you to return to your life as before, is extremely valuable to us and helps us defend to your insurance provider why you require skilled physical therapy.